Blog-o-Versary Giveaway 2

The winner for Monday’s giveaway will be posted this afternoon, so be sure to check back to see if you have won. This morning I am starting giveaway #2, which is a DVD of my favorite Chrsitmas movie. I discovered Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” when I was about 8. I imagine I have read it at least 20 times over the years. I have this tendancy to re-read books I enjoy and I am always reading something, or maybe 2 or 3 somethings, so having read a book I really like 20 times is not unusual for me. [ask me how many times I have read “The Lord of the Rings Trilogy” – go ahead, ask me!] There have been many movie versions made of this book, but hands down, this one, starring George C. Scott is my favorite. It was a made for TV version, first aired in 1984 and I adored it from the first airing. [In 2004 NBC’s musical version stunk up the place – my review of that can be found here.]

I think I love this one so much because of all the versions, it feels most like the book to me – and hello? George C. Scott? Patton makes the perfect Scrooge ya know? [and just so you don’t think I am totally sappy, my second favorite Christmas movie is probably National Lampoon’s “Christmas Vacation”]I want to share my favorite Christmas movie with one of my blog readers, so comment on this post between now and Saturday at midnight to enter. In your comment, tell us what is your favorite Christmas movie and why – or if you hate all Christmas movies, tell us that – we won’t judge! As before, if you link to the giveaway on your blog, or mention it by Twitter or Facebook, you get an extra entry – just make sure you leave a separate comment for each method you use to send people here. Again, only open to those with US mailing addresses. The winner will be announced on Sunday afternoon. Good luck everyone!

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22 Responses to Blog-o-Versary Giveaway 2

  1. Gayla says:

    Hey girl!

    My favorite Christmas movie is White Christmas. I watch it every Christmas Eve. Why is it my favorite? Probably b/c I was a dancer, and I love all the dancing (and singing) in the movie. It’s an interactive movie for me!

  2. Gayla says:

    Oh yeah, I linked to your post at my blog. :)

  3. Mental P Mama says:

    Holiday Inn. It just doesn’t get any better. I think Bing’s “White Christmas” is even better in this one;)

  4. Isdihara says:

    For me, it is a tie between “A Christmas Story” and “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

    As for the why:

    A Christmas Story: The whole Red Rider BB Gun progression aside, I’m a sucker for tales that are “read” – and the author narrates this one, added bonus! Oh, I adore “The Princess Bride” for the same reasons.

    It’s a Wonderful Life: As a kid growing up in a quiet, little town, I totally identified with George Bailey’s desire to see the world. The clincher (every time I watch it) is when the they hang the travel posters over the windows of their old house for George Bailey. That, and the whole ZuZu’s petals arc. So sweet!

    Like you, I believe the George C. Scott version of A Christmas Carol is the best one.

    Crossing my fingers…I’m feeling lucky. And Happy Blog-a-versary!

  5. Ashleigh says:


    I like the version with Albert Finney. It’s a nice musical.


  6. Flea says:

    Christmas Vacation is my all time favorite. :)

  7. donna444444 says:

    My favorite Christmas movie is It’s a Wonderful Life.

  8. donna444444 says:

    I twittered about your contest.

  9. Olly says:

    A Christmas Story is my all time fave, followed by Christmas Vacation. There is also a horror movie called Black Christmas that I watch every year, too. I know, kinda sick – but I love scary movies!

  10. Country Girl says:

    Hey, Dlyn.
    I don’t have one single favorite but I have several favorites that I rotate between and watch every year.
    Scrooged with Bill Murray, The Christmas Carol (the one you have here), The Family Man with Tea Leoni and Nicolas Cage, Love Actually with Hugh Grant and others, and there’s probably more.

  11. CM says:

    Winter officially started today on my desktop with winter photos from Dlyn! I have the beautiful winter scene of the farm across the way from you …. and yes, the abandoned truck is there ……. it wouldn’t’ be the same without it. This year’s winter photos will be woefully missing the truck.

    My favorite Christmas movie was a Little House on the Prairie video that my kids watched when they were little. I think it was Christmas at Plum Creek. It was a Gift of the Magi type theme where Laura sells her pony to Nellie Olson so that she can by something for Pa (cant’ remember what she bought …. a new wagon or something) and Pa sells something to buy Laura a new saddle for her pony. It’s been a few years now but I loved watching that with my girls when they were little.

  12. Egghead says:

    Oh I love so many that it is hard. I guess if I had to choose it would be “It’s A Wonderful Life”. But I agree the original “A Christmas Carol” is the best of all of those made. George C. Scott fits that part so perfectly.

  13. JGH says:

    I’m kinda surprised no one has mentioned Elf. Will Ferrell is just priceless. A comment on Christmas culture through the eyes of an innocent. A romance and a story of family tolerance and acceptance. Not to mention hilarious.

  14. Ellyn says:

    Love that movie. Maybe because I had to watch it 5 bazillion times as a child.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Hi D,

    Actually, my favorite Christmas movie is A Christmas Carol! I have to watch it every year. Followed closely by Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! :D


  16. Katie says:

    What a great movie! There are no other versions that compare to the Christmas Carol with George C. Scott. What a Scrooge, indeed!

    I think my favorite Christmas movie of all time has got to be White Christmas, along with so many others. I named my cat after Danny Kaye because of that movie.

  17. Debbie says:

    My favorite is “A Christmas Story”. You’ll shoot your eye out!! LOL. We watch that at least 5 times each yr. Just love it!!

  18. Bear Naked says:

    Hanging my head in shame but National Lampoon’s “Christmas Vacation” is an annual must see at least three times here at the Bear’s Den.
    (I blame Monsieur Bear every year but truthfully I probably enjoy it just as much as he does.)

    Bear((( )))

  19. Laura ~Peach~ says:

    a christmas story is my favorite movie and little drummer boy is my favorite cartoon …
    I love charles dickens too and seems like I have several versions of his tale but not the original… Hummm must remedy that!

  20. Ruth Hull Chatlien says:

    I love A Christmas Carol too, but I don’t know that version.

    And I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve read LOTR.

  21. Gretchen says:

    It is a good movie, we’ve seen it dozens of times with dozens of versions, even live on stage.

    My favorite Christmas movies have to be The Year Without A Santa Claus and Scrooged. :)

  22. ~m2~ says:

    so many great answers! i have to say my very favorite (after it’s a wonderful life and the classics) is The Homecoming (Walton’s). i was so desperate for a “normal” family while i was growing up, i actually envied their family during the depression.

    (Gosh, i should probably share that with my therapist…)

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