Kinda Glum Around Here

This is Larry and I this morning when we looked outside and realized that for once, the weather forecast was right and it is going to rain all-freakin-day. Okay – not really. This is Catherine and Hopkin. They were my Dad’s Dad’s Mother’s relatives. I only know that because they had the same last name as she did. I will email my aunt and my Dad and ask them to tell me more about who they were. There seemed to have been some kind of cultural stricture in place back then. I have a number of photos of family from this era and without exception, everyone is looking at the camera with this same mixture of defiance and resignation. It was perhaps a sign of a lack of moral fiber to smile when having one’s photograph taken. I actually feel much the same way when having my picture taken now, so I understand how they felt.

The sun will not shine and it is too wet to play, so I will stay in the house all this cold cold wet day.* I have some fun that is funny though – some stuff to bake, a big pot of spaghetti sauce to make and some photos to edit for next week and we are having company for dinner later on so I guess I ought to clean up a little. I will be back in a bit with a bonus recipe. In the meantime -enjoy your Saturday more than those folks up top seem capable of.

* extra points for identifying this is quasi-quote

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9 Responses to Kinda Glum Around Here

  1. Deb says:

    “So we sat in the house all that cold, cold, wet day…Too wet to go out and too cold to play ball. So we sat in the house. We did nothing at all.” Dr Suess, man!
    You have our weather from yesterday as it was literally dreary and drab.

  2. Ellyn says:

    Can I guess? Guess not since I read you the line so you could type it.

    Your house it going to smell so good today. I am jealous.

  3. PG says:

    if you have to clean up later, keep the cat in the hat around – he’s quite the mess maker, but BOY can he clean up in a jiffy.

  4. Olly says:

    Being on the Wet coast we get a lot of grey, rainy days. Not today though. Bright and sunny. I should be outside tidying the yard instead of laying on the couch, sick and feeling sorry for myself!

  5. Ruth Hull Chatlien says:

    I’ve been told that people look so glum in old photographs because they had to hold still for a really long time due to whatever process they used. Long exposure time.

    I do love the photograph though. They look like sturdy responsible citizens.

  6. Weezee says:

    Geesh, I am speechless over these ancestors. These are not attractrive people and they do look mighty unhappy. They need anb attitude adjustment maybe green eggs and ham for breakfast, in a box, with a fox….

  7. Ashmystir says:

    Cat in the Hat but someone beat me to it. Darn!


  8. betty says:

    In old photagraph the cameras were a bit slow and the person had to sit with out moving for a long time. That is why they all look like they are mad at the world.

  9. Sandra says:

    It gives you special appreciation for children who were in pictures back then, doesn’t it? Imagine getting a small child to sit really still for a picture, more than a couple seconds.

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