Building a better tomorrow…

…one road at a time.

I work at home and we live miles from town, so I make every effort in coordinating my errands so as to spend the least amount of time possible driving around. This summer that has been especially important because we are beset on all sides by road construction. I know that some of you may have to drive in heavy traffic to get to work every day, but I don’t, so this is a lot of trouble just to drive into town for some fresh lemons and hummus.

This is small town construction. They don’t spend a lot of money on things like, say, flagmen. On our road they have been replacing all of the drainage pipes that run under the road. You can tell you should stop when you get up to the work, because there is no road to drive on, but I guess they can’t spare someone to actually hold up a stop sign or they don’t want to be rude or appear too aggressive. You are fortunate that they notice you at all. And when they do, they fill the hole so that you can drive over it and then dig it back up after you pass by. As you can imagine, they don’t do this particularly quickly. Add 10 minutes to the trip.

Move along about 6 or 7 miles and the next little town is doing something to a bridge. I may have caught them at nap time, because I sat at the edge of the bridge for several minutes before anyone noticed me and had the big truck move so I can get by. They had a flagman, but he seemed otherwise occupied and didn’t show up until I was halfway across the bridge when he helpfully indicated that I should keep driving on the road – rather than running over him or driving into the creek. Thanks for that.

The trouble with small town road contruction is that the one guy is your next door neighbor, or that other guy’s kids are in school with yours and the truck driver is an usher at your church. You can’t be beeping at them just because they aren’t moving as quickly as you would like because tales of your rudeness will be all over town by noon. You inflated sense of self importance is driving you to impatience with people who are just doing their job – these guys are concentrating on their work – they can’t be looking up every two seconds to see if a car is waiting to get by.

Drive another 5 miles and you approach the real deal. Construction zone three looks a little more extensive. Their sign is metal for starters.
One disadvantage of not driving into town very often is that you forget that they are repaving a big stretch of road where it is impossible to construct a detour. This does not look good. Not only is there a long line of cars, but no one is coming from the other direction either. Translation: Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter HereIt could be worse though. See those people back there? Hah! Suckers!This is the longest I have ever sat at the same spot for construction. I could have gotten out and changed my oil or made a few bucks washing windshields.This guy actually tried to take me out, but I was ready for him. His mom apparently never taught him the concept of taking turns.There is no getting around this construction either, so on the way back I had to wait just as long.When this guy pulled out in front of me, I wasn’t sure what to do. I could either follow him or stop in the middle of the road, and I had a strong feeling that the people behind me would have not been pleased had I chosen the second option. Fortunately for me, my lemming-like pursuit didn’t result in my driving off a cliff. On my way back home, I can’t help feeling just a touch smug in my relief as I pass by the line now waiting to get into town. Like I did anything impressive other than follow the people in front of me.This is little more than a cruel joke though – there is no end to the road work until November, when we have to start dodging snowplows.

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18 Responses to Building a better tomorrow…

  1. Mary says:

    Wow, that looks SO frustrating! When we visited Ireland years ago, we joked that they needed a “Men at Work” sign that showed two men in a hole and one at the edge, all leaning on their shovels and smoking — because that is what we always saw at any work site. Here in NJ we usually have way too many cars, so any work site is ten times worse… good luck with it!

  2. Trisha says:

    I love your “tribute” to construction! I also love that you passed the time taking pictures. I guess that had to help pass the time. You do have to wonder what the other people behind you thought when they saw you holding up that camera!

    The dilemma of the construction truck is priceless!

    I hope the drive to town was worth it!

  3. Laura ~Peach~ says:

    typical construction… just a tid bit of information … did you know THAT… those guys who hold the flags have to go to a special class every 2 years to make sure they are doing it correctly? Did you know that flag school is state regulated? I did not know that until this weekend when I was listening to my dear hubby and sons discussing the STUPID classes they have to take to do construction work…I guess somewhere common sense has crossed the line and we now must be trained and certified in everything!
    Oh dear I must go download photos of this weekends workings here :) HAPPY MONDAY! love this post!

  4. Sara says:

    Wow… you and I have both been having fun days, eh? :) Thanks for the comment today; I found some joy just coming to your blog!


  5. Fran says:

    For the last 5-10 years, I feel like there is always construction going on no matter where I go!

  6. Judi~Gmj says:

    Your a fun place to visit! Love this post. I am blessing the little black box at this moment. :)

  7. Ellyn says:

    A hoot as always. Lemming like instincts…HA!!!

  8. noble pig says:

    Oh that is just ridiculous, what a pain in the…horrible.

  9. Ashmystir says:

    ACK! This is happening in my area too. At least you had your camera on you. lol.


  10. Anonymous says:

    I posed for the picture they used to make the "Flagperson" sign. I only wish I had a contract to collect residuals on it.

    Now eveytime you see that sign you can wave at me. ;>)


  11. Shimmy Mom says:

    Oh I’ve been there before. I don’t know that there is much in life more irritating than sitting in a traffic that isn’t going anywhere.
    I’ve been here before for Sky Watch, but today I ended up here through the black box. What a fun coincidence! Have a great day.
    *hugs* Shimmy

  12. willow says:

    Ick. There’s nothing as frustrating!

    Coffee, tea, “A” or “B”…yep, here from you know where! :^)

  13. asthmagirl says:

    I think it’s this way throughout the county until late in the fall. For the last three years it’s all I can do to get from the highway to the freeway… or even to the grocery store! Sent you my email address for your Ho recipe. Can’t wait!

  14. Posh Totty says:

    Just dropping in to say hi, I was sent here via the black box :o) Xx

  15. Twinville says:


    Just dropped through the Little Black Box portal into your blog. Nice place to fall, I might add.

    How lucky you are to be able to work from home.
    Too bad you still have to deal with traffic when you are forced to leave home. Mmm! Hummus is certainly worth it, though. haha!

    We live out in the country, in the mountains and we only go into town maybe once a month. My blood pressure rises as soon as I see the crowded houses, all the people and traffic.

    Laughing Orca Ranch
    New Mexico

  16. Eve says:

    Arrived via black box. The joys of country living. (“Men at work” sign is actually a warning sign, lest anyone see a man doing work and suffer a heart attack at the shock) :)

  17. Flea says:

    Oh geez. Not much worse than road work and eternal waits, especially when it’s unexpected. I think that’s why I always try to have a book in the car. That, and for reading at stop lights. :)

  18. Ruth Hull Chatlien says:

    At least it made for a humorous blog post. I bet that’s more good than most of those other drivers got out of it.

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