Look what I got!

Last month, on her Birthday, Cathy at Noble Pig decided to give stuff away to other people. I was fortunate to win this – The Bread Bible:

I know the drawing was random, but this could not be a better fit for me. I love baking bread. For years when the girls were little and I was home with them, I baked all of our bread. We were all hippie-dippy, back to the land in those days and baking bread to me was elemental and basic to caring for my family. I barely even used recipes, just making sure the proportions were correct and throwing any old thing into the batters. I even kept a sourdough starter alive for nearly a year.

These days I am working on improving my cooking techniques so this book is going to be so much fun for me. And you know I will share my results here with you guys.

Thanks again Cathy – and I hope your Birthday was really happy, cause you certainly made my day!

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12 Responses to Look what I got!

  1. Trisha says:

    Home made bread! Yummy! I can’t wait to hear how your experimenting goes!

  2. Burgh Baby says:

    I look forward to many delectable photos of bread that will have me drooling on my keyboard!

  3. Bear Naked says:

    Love the Inukshuk bread photo on the cover.

    Bear((( )))

  4. Adventure girl wanna be says:

    I love bread! Have fun cooking:)

  5. Mental P Mama says:

    Yum! I won a cookbook from her too, but i don’t have mine yet;( Start baking!

  6. Lauren says:

    Hey can’t wait to get home and make some bread myself. Its funny though, one of the donators sent us three bread makers. It is an interesting contribution.

  7. Laura ~Peach~ says:

    ok thats it I have begged to live with or at the least visit with all the great cooks out here in blog land but you have my weakenss…. toss the chocolate (i am a chocohalic) but offer me some fresh baked bread and home made butter and I am hooked!

  8. Ruth Hull Chatlien says:

    Oh, that looks like a great gift. I need to get back to making bread.

  9. Flea says:

    Oh what fun! I can almost smell it baking …

  10. Country Girl says:

    I used to bake bread, too, back in my hippie dippy days. My husband thought I was weird, too, because I was always taking pictures of the finished product.

    I wwas thinking about you and your camera today. Hoping it returns very soon.

  11. TSannie says:

    Send me a loaf! I cannot bake to save my life! This saddens my mom immensely. Congrats!

  12. noble pig says:

    Yeah it came, I love that book.

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