
Lauren was concerned that the fact my camera quit working would mean no photo from home this week. Au contraire, my fair daughter. I can see where you might be concerned, since it’s not like I take about a thousand photos a week and save them all. Still, I was able to shuffle through a few photos I had hanging about, to find this one for you.You might think we were in Iowa or Nebraska for all the corn fields that surround us. Every day for the next few weeks, the background of all we do will be filled with the faint [and sometimes not so faint] drone of corn choppers as farmers work to get their silos filled for winter.

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7 Responses to Sunday

  1. noble pig says:

    Ah a cornfield in New York, who would have thunk?

  2. TSannie says:

    Whenever I see a corn field I always think of the song: “Oh what a beautiful morning!”
    And I hope “Everything’s going Lauren’s way!”

  3. Tonjia says:

    I can hear those corn choppers from here!

  4. Lauren says:


  5. Sara says:

    Here in Iowa, we call those corn choppers “combines”. :)


  6. Egghead says:

    Fresh corn! I love it so much. This is one of my favorite times of the year…just because of the corn.

  7. Steve says:

    That’s crazy, Sara, in Georgia we call them combines too! I think Mom just needs to brush up on her vocabulary. ;)

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