We have a winner!

It was difficult to control our excitement during breakfast time, but finally it was time for the winning name for our lotion dispenser cow to be chosen.

Unfortunately, we had a small problem cooperation-wise with the judge. He did not wish to consider any of the submitted names and said that the cow should be named “Brett”. Brett is Mark’s favorite bear. So not only is that name taken, but we would have ended up with no winner or the I guess the judge would have been the winner which doesn’t seem right. I am sure this would have resulted in a fraud lawsuit of some kind and that’s the last thing I need. An alternate method was decided upon – that of a blind drawing.

To make things fair, if there was more than one suggestion per comment, the first one listed was chosen. This gave us 15 entries.

And the winner is…Hallie from the Wonderful World of Wieners entered “Cowabell”. [note: Hallie’s blog is great fun, but not entirely G-rated, language wise]Congrats Hallie – I will email you to double check your address and you will have your GC from Amazon as soon as I hear back from you.

And I would say it has been determined that our cow is indeed a cow, rather than a steer or bull. Any name ending in “bell” would have to be a name for the female gender, would you not agree? Thanks to everyone who participated!

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9 Responses to We have a winner!

  1. Wonderful World of Weiners says:

    You can PRETEND that my name was BLINDLY picked but I know better!!!

    It was just the best!!!

    Hallie :)

    Yeah for me and my brilliant cow naming skills!!

  2. Ashmystir says:

    Well poo. Next time Marc? PICK ME PICK ME!!

    Congrats to Hallie and hello to Cowabell.

    I think we need an *ahem” an interview to learn more about you.


  3. noble pig says:

    Love that name! So awesome!

  4. Laura ~Peach~ says:

    Yesterday I was trying to show my hubby your blog and photos… i coudl not for love nor money get it to load was there something wrong? I am going to try to again tonight as I think he will love the photography… I am working on one day owning a camera like yours LOL… I have to ease into it though as I have several cameras now and he as of yet does not understand that i just have to have one (someday) LOL, I hate that i did not get to enter the contest but heck until today I did not know about it due to things here and of course the computer issue so Its all good and I am tickled for Hallie:D
    by the way have I mentioned I LOVE your pictures… ALL of them I have not found one yet that did not absolutely make me happy!
    Hugs Laura

  5. Ruth Hull Chatlien says:

    Cute name, and even cuter helper with the drawing.

    Laura-Peach, if you check back, Blogger was down for a while last night.

  6. Ness says:

    It was definitely rigged by Hallie!

    Congrats Hallie!

  7. Country Girl says:

    Darnit! I missed this one. Congrats to the winner, Hallie!

  8. TSannie says:

    How about Wilsonbelle???? <;-)

  9. Flea says:

    Umm … any name beginning in COW might mean she’s a cow. Ya think? :D

    Congratulations Hallie!

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