Our nest is empty again

Blogger has not been cooperating with me, so I don’t have time for a big post this morning. Later on this week though, I will have a really yummy recipe for a summery salad, an interview with a very special guest and some lovely photos.

After 3 months, yesterday was finally the big day – Ellyn and Jason came back down to pick up the kids and the dog and cat and the assorted paraphernalia that goes with all of them. They loaded up the vehicles and headed on down the road. Now our house is free from clutter. No legos, no little trucks, no toys playing the same annoying song over and over until you grab it and throw it on a high shelf when the kids aren’t looking . My kitchen counters seem the size of football fields with no boxes of baby cereal, no piles of plastic dishes and sippy cups. I can leave my camera sitting in a handy location without fear that it will be molested by a short person.

This is both good and bad of course. I kind of like legos as you well know and clean counters are very nice, but maybe just the teeniest bit boring. It’s really quiet too. Ok – I like the quiet part. Mostly, anyway.

But next weekend, we will go up to spend a couple days without having to turn it into a major expedition involving big suitcases and time off from work. And a few weeks later, they will be able to rn down here for a couple days with the same ease.

And though I expained this to Riley, he doesn’t really get it. So, he is feeling pretty sad:

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10 Responses to Our nest is empty again

  1. Mental P Mama says:

    Oh this makes me sad. In a foreshadowy kind of way…

  2. Ashmystir says:

    Awwwww….i feel sad but know what you mean about it being nice to get your place back. It’s weird after guests leave. Too quiet!

    I hope Riley took the news well.


  3. Asthmagirl says:

    It sounds like a mix of emotions. I dread my next daughter moving out… the house will be so quiet without her comings and goings. But a little quiet is a lovely thing…

    I hope the adjustment is painless!

  4. Burgh Baby's Mom says:

    That would be tough. I’m sure it’s good to be back to your routine, but the emptiness would create some mixed feelings.

  5. Burgh Baby's Mom says:

    That would be tough. I’m sure it’s good to be back to your routine, but the emptiness would create some mixed feelings.

  6. Bear Naked says:

    I know that feeling you have right now but just think in a few short weeks you will have them back for a visit.

    I thought it was only me with problems with Blogger.

  7. Dr.John says:

    Our dog cries when the kids leave.

  8. Ellyn says:

    We miss you guys too, especially Ri-Ri. It is good to be home though.

  9. dlyn says:

    See what I have to put up with? It just ain’t right, I tell ya!

  10. Lori says:

    I feel like Riley looking at those cars drive away!
    Hugs to you all!

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