Extremely Healthy Cookies

I like to be healthy don’t you? And part of being healthy is having good mental health, right? Like the kind of mental health that comes from eating these cookies, which are stuffed with a ton of chocolate. There seems to be some confusion among health practitioners and a few other unwise persons, that once a woman hits post menopause, chocolate is not as important to her overall view of the world as it was when she was experiencing PMS on a monthly schedule. Nothing could be further from the truth and the sooner you all realize this, the better it will be for your overall life expectancy. Near as I can tell, I just have PMS all the time now, without those pesky weeks of sanity that used to break things up just a few years ago. So, I made up these cookies. And because I do like to at least try to eat like I should, I have included several ingredients that are sure to increase your years on this earth – which will make you very happy because you will be around longer to eat more of these cookies.
Here are some of the very healthy ingredients:
And my very favorite healthy ingredient:If you watch Alton Brown on the Food Network, you know A.B. would never make cookies without his heavy steel pans,, parchment paper and disher. You can click on those links and get yourself some way cool baking stuff – and yes I do make a few cents if you buy from the links. Mostly I am just showing off though. I love restaurant quality kitchen supplies.
So here is the recipe:
Preheat the oven to 350°
Cream together until fluffy
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup vegetable shortening
1 & 1/2 cups brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
2 teaspoons real vanilla extract

Beat in, one at a time
2 large eggs

Dump in and mix until thoroughly combined
2 cups all purpose unbleached flour
1 cup quick cooking oats
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 12 oz package dark chocolate chips
1 cup walnut pieces
1 cup raisins
1 cup sweetened flake coconut

I used a 2 tablespoon/medium sized disher and ended up with 4 dozen cookies.See how nice and neat they look? Using the disher keeps them all the same size and they come out nice and round. With the parchment paper, you don’t have to grease the pans and cleanup is very easy too.Bake for 12 to 14 minutes, turning pans after 6 minutes. Remove to cooling racks immediately. And then you can eat themAnd your face might even look like this when they tell you that you can’t have any more until after dinner.Except, being post menopausal, I am a grownup and I can have them whenever I want. You’re a grownup, right? You can have all you want too!

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22 Responses to Extremely Healthy Cookies

  1. Weezee says:

    Yummmmmm, Scott will love these! Chocolate and coconut together, he’ll swoon. And he is a grownup, sorta, so he can have all he wants.

    Geez, Mark can look pitiful. It works for me, give him another cookie the poor little kid!

  2. Ashmystir says:

    Awwww…how can you say no to a sweet face like that!

    great recipe!


  3. truth says:

    Oh yes! Thanks for clarifying the whole chocolate thing for me. I was sure that once I am menopausal I could eat chocolate always, now I’m convinved. (Honestly, I hope that is very far from me. At 46, nary a hint of it.)

  4. Jenn @ Juggling Life says:

    I’m a sucker for quality kitchen equipment myself . . . I get it from my mother.

    I mean really, what would like be like without a creme brulee torch?

  5. Rachel says:

    Those sound delicious :-) I love oatmeal in cookies!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting!
    I think the feta pasta would be delicious with chicken instead of salmon. Just split the ‘veggies’ into two skillets and do chicken in one, and salmon in the other.

    Enjoy, and hope to see you again :-)

  6. Jennifer H says:

    Those look yummy. They’ve got all the best stuff…dark chocolate, coconut, oats, raisins. I will definitely have to make these.

    That face is so sweet! (And isn’t it great to be a grown-up and totally in charge of one’s cookie consumption? Though, seriously, someone really should take that power away from ME.)

    Thanks for stopping by my place and for your comment. I’m adding you to my reader, so I’ll be back!

  7. Angela says:

    How funny! I just made our favorite oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (how to cook everything by mark bateman which as been our go too cookbook for the last 6 years). I long ago discovered the wonderful world of parchment paper and have a testimony that its mana from Heaven. And the big pans like AB recommends, I had one given to me and its my favorite. And lastly the baller/scooper. I got one at a supply store at Christmas time but didn’t get to use it til today. Its awesome! I love it and the cookies are easier to get off and look tons nicer. Anyway thanks for visiting my blog and I’m sure I’ll talk to you again soon.

  8. Flea says:

    Just when I picked up ingredients for Noble Pigs peanut butter cookies! Now I have to go back to the store. Can I leave out the coconut?

  9. bichonpawz says:

    Hi there! Thanks for stopping by!! This recipe sounds absolutely terrific and I LOVE dark chocolate!! Oh that FACE….very cute. Sending prayers and good thoughts for your daughter. Take care!!

  10. Are You Serious! says:

    ♡ I really need to invest in a scoop like that! THat would make it so much nicer!

  11. Curiously Normal says:

    Oooooh, Newbee will jump for joy.

  12. CM says:

    It just so happens that I have a college student home for the summer that loves to bake ……. it’s good to know she can improve my health whiel doing it!

    The recipe is printed and will be in the proper chef’s hands soon!

  13. Kellan says:

    YUM!! I use that “I’m a grown-up” all the time – “When you are a grown-up – you can do whatever you want!”

    Cute pictures – adorable!

    Have a good afternoon – see you – Kellan

  14. just jamie says:

    Mmmm…. Thanks for the inspiration. Those look delicious (and healthy to boot!).

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m going to look around yours some more. :)

  15. Mental P Mama says:

    Oh those look so good, and that face! I hope you caved and let him have just one more….

    I have company!

  16. dlyn says:

    mental p – company you say? how exciting!

    Jamie – I am glad you like the recipe and I will be back to your blog as well.

    Thanks Kellan – he is the world’s cutest grandson afterall!

    CM – let me know how she does with them. Give her the rest of the recipes too LOL!

    curiously normal – they are completely joyful little morsels :)

    are you serious – I love that scoop & don’t know how I lived without one all these.

    bichon – thanks for the prayers – we will take all that we can get.

    flea – You can put in or leave out anything. or even put in completely new stuff – I made these up on the fly, so alterations aren’t going to matter much. Well – I would make sure to leave in lots of chocolate.

    angela – parchment paper is the bomb. I use it for all my baking now. And that link leads to the best price I have ever found for it.

    jennifer – I agree – someone else shpould be in charge of how many cookies I can have because I allow far too many when I am in charge.

    rachael- I will try it with chicken for sure – I love feta cheese.

    jenn- now I have to get a creme brulee torch! great! LOL

    truth – once you are on the other side of it, it is great!

    Ash – I have to say no sometime or there would not be any left for me!

    weezee – I should call them Mounds or Almond Joy cookies!

  17. Chris says:

    awww, what a tragic face!!! So cute but so abused! LOL!

  18. Country Girl says:

    Awesome! Thanks for the recipe. I love your cooking utensils, too!

  19. Laski says:

    This looks AWESOME. I’m making a cookie recipe from Noble Pig’s site this weekend. I think I just might be making TWO!!! You got me at the dark chocolate. And, that face. “What do you mean I can’t have more???”

  20. Ruth Hull Chatlien says:

    Yummy, you’re making me hungry. I can never talk my husband into letting me put chocolate chips in my oatmeal cookies. (Oatmeal are his favorite, so that’s why he gets the veto.) Maybe i’ll make this recipe without warning him. Bwa ha ha.

    P.S. You’ll love this. Shortly after we married, he read somewhere that women need chocolate. So we’ve kept a dish of chocolate in the house ever since.

  21. Lori says:

    Oh, my! I love oatmeal cookies with chocolate on them. And my face does look like your grandson’s b/c we are out of town tagging along with hubby on his business trip and I can’t just go to the store and re-create these dollops of heaven!
    And I am quite sure you are right about the chocolate theory. Chocolate is forever!

  22. Judith Shakespeare says:

    They look awesome! And his face is priceless!

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