Sunday Prayer

What could be better for Sunday morning than a Ron Block song, sung by Alison Krauss?

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8 Responses to Sunday Prayer

  1. Burgh Baby's Mom says:

    I’m not a huge Alison Krauss fan, but she did a fantastic job with that song!

  2. Burgh Baby's Mom says:

    I’m not a huge Alison Krauss fan, but she did a fantastic job with that song!

  3. Flea says:

    How beautiful! Thank you. I skipped church this morning, so now I don’t feel as guilty. :) The time change took us by surprise.

  4. Weezee says:

    I love that song and and she is just wonderful.

    I over-slept church today too.

  5. Ashmystir says:

    I love Alison Krauss. Thanks!

  6. addhumorandfaith says:

    absolutely beautiful. thank you.

  7. Lori says:

    Ah-mazing. I love that line, “a haven from my unbelief”…

  8. Jenni says:

    That was beautiful! I’ve heard some of her songs, but I’ve never seen her sing. She’s so completely relaxed. It’s like that tremendous voice just flows out of her.

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