What I’ve been up to lately…

So, I know I haven’t been a very good blogging friend lately. I post here most days, but I don’t get around to other people’s blogs as much as I would like and certainly not as much as I should. There is the sprained knee to blame my distraction on, and that was certainly the cause for the first couple weeks of January.

But that’s not all. I finally got a project I’ve had in the works since last fall up and running. Look at this:DessertStalking.com Go ahead – click on it! It’s my new baby.

Ain’t it purty?

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8 Responses to What I’ve been up to lately…

  1. Kate says:

    Yep, it sure is. I’ve visited several of the contributors’ sites and love the photos and detailed recipes. There are several items on this site I am planning on making.

  2. Gale Reeves says:

    Wonderful new site!!!!!!!! And so easy to navigate. Some sites make you sign in and don’t link to the blog. Your site is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!! Thanks.

  3. Astaryth says:

    Very nicely done! I look forward to watching it grow.

  4. Flea says:

    It’s real purdy. I think I’ve gained 10 pounds just since it’s been live.

  5. Gail says:

    My doctor is not going to be happy with you:)!…Love this site and I think it is well organized…I have found many, many recipes that I am dying to try…

  6. Ana says:

    What a tempting place that is. I love it!

  7. Roberta says:

    That looks like a lot of work – and you are still going to keep this place too? You are going to be very busy my friend!

  8. Donalyn says:

    Thanks everyone – it is a lot of work, but also very worth it! I get to visit some of the best blogs ever. Now I just need to figure out how to attach my laptop to the elliptical, and I will be all set!

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